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Likes Are Private Now

X rolls out private Likes in latest update

Private Likes now in effect

In a move that was announced last month, X has now rolled out an update to make all Likes private. This means that only the user who likes a post will be able to see that they have done so. The change was announced in a tweet by X CEO Musk, who said, "Your likes are now private." He also quoted an explanation posted by the company, which said, "We believe that this change will make X a more positive and supportive environment for everyone."

Reaction to the change

The change has been met with mixed reactions from users. Some have welcomed the move, saying that it will reduce the pressure to conform to what others are liking. Others have expressed concern that the change will make it more difficult to find popular content. It is too early to say what the long-term impact of the change will be, but it is sure to be a topic of discussion for some time to come.
